About the Workshop

The-Spiritual-Twelve-StepsWho needs Recovery?

You probably need to consider seeking help if:

  • The last thing in the world you want to do is talk about your possible areas of “stuckness”.
  • Your life is getting to be a repeat of one disaster after another.
  • You are finding that you feel less and less in control over problems you once thought were under control.
  • You have noticed an increase in the frequency of the behaviors that you believe are a problem (lying, lust, drinking, eating, gambling, etc.)
  • You have family members that have begun to show concern about problem areas in your life.
  • You feel that you are getting more of the things that you don’t want and less of the things you do want.
  • You have unresolved issues from your past that periodically resurface, much to your discomfort.


… Peace with God



… Peace with Ourselves



… Peace with Others



… Keeping the Peace



Make me an instrument

of your peace!

We admitted we were powerless over the effects of our separation from God.

Embark with fellow Christians on a pilgrimage to Spiritual wholeness. Anyone and everyone is welcome, for who among us does not have a need for coming to terms with some negative aspects of our behavior and/or relationships.

We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

If you are truly seeking a means to alleviate the emotional pain you are suffering and causing others in your life, this is the opportunity to put your committed resolve to work and shed the burdens that are a result of your dysfunction.

We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

Perhaps you really don’t know God, or you feel somewhat alienated from Him. Journey with us through prayer and come to know that God can and will forgive you. You will learn to forgive yourself. You can again become a loveable child of God.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

The BIBLE is the greatest book on recovery ever written. In its pages, we watch as God sets out a plan for the recovery of his broken people and creation. We meet numerous individuals whose hurting lives are mended through the wisdom and power of God. We meet the God who is waiting with arms outstretched for all of us to turn back to him, seek after his ways, and recover the wonderful plan he has for us.

Many of us are just waking up to the fact that recovery is an essential part of life for everyone. It is the simple but challenging process of daily seeking God’s will for our life instead of demanding to go our own way. It is allowing God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, while also taking the steps necessary to draw closer to our Creator and Redeemer. It is a process of allowing God to heal our wounded soul so we can help others in the process of healing. All of us need to take part in this process; it is an inherent part of being human.

Let us set out together on a journey toward healing and newfound strength. Not strength found within ourselves, but strength found through trusting God and allowing him to direct our decisions and plans. This journey will take us through the Twelve Steps and other materials designed to help us focus on the powerful provisions God offers for recovery. The Life Recovery Bible.

For peace, for serenity … come journey with us!

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